“ The activist, Luc Michel, was also involved in a 2021 effort to create a breakaway « Republic of Detroit » in the U.S., which garnered little attention but could serve as a blueprint for Russian-aligned efforts to influence American politics, Logically says. “
Researchers find new pro-Russia influence campaign targeting Africa : …
Who is Mr Michel & what did he do?
“ In the past, Mr Michel has worked to legitimise votes in Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories, and been linked to « Merci [thank you] Wagner », a group supporting the work of the Russian mercenaries (…) In 2014, Michel, as representatives of a group called the Eurasian Observatory for Democracy and Elections, acted as observers of the Crimean status referendum. “
Russia in Africa: How disinformation operations target the continent – B…
* NOTE 1
A la fin des Années ’60, le géopoliticien Jean THIRIART soutenait déja les Blacks Panters aux USA. Aujourd’hui, comme EODE et Luc Michel ont soutenu très activement l’autodétermination de la Priednestrovje (PMR) en 2006 et en 2014 de la Crimée, de Donetsk et de Lugansk, de Kharkhov et d’Odessa, nous soutenons en 2022 l’autodétermination des Républiques de Détroit et de Jackson (USA) !
* NOTE 2
Russia has been trying to expand its influence throughout Africa in recent years. Aligned with Russia are pushing pro-Kremlin messages in Africa using a coordinated French-language network spanning Facebook, YouTube, Telegram and other online channels. The network, dubbed « Russosphere, » is connected to (…-) Belgian political activist who was involved in overseeing contested Russian-backed referenda in Crimea and Donbas in 2014, according to researchers at Logically, a company that tracks online misinformation and disinformation. The activist, Luc Michel, was also involved in a 2021 effort to create a breakaway « Republic of Detroit » in the U.S., which garnered little attention but could serve as a blueprint for Russian-aligned efforts to influence American politics, Logically says. It’s the latest example of how influence campaigns connected to Russia capitalize on social and political divisions – a continuation of the tactics the Kremlin used during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And it shows how social media remains a potent channel to spread pro-Russian … (RADIO TEXAS, 2023).